What is Human Performance?

Simply put, its a series of behaviors executed to accomplish specific results (performance = behavior + results) which focuses on things such as your inner thoughts, self-beliefs, and behavioral patterns.

Supporting your body, mind, and spirit.

A completely customized one-on-one program where we deep dive into balancing and nourishing your mind, body and soul to match your desires focusing on nutrition, movement, recovery, energy, sleep, mindset and energetic alignment

Depending on your program length we will methodically work in phases to meet you exactly where you are. The amount of time spent within each phase is determined by adherence, progress, and overall goal.

You can learn more about the Rebel Instinct approach and methodology here.

How it works:

We meet you where you are to design a holistic, personalized coaching experience so that you can achieve your goals and improve your mental well-being.





Your first strategy session is a deep dive into planning out your lifestyle blueprint which is carefully planned and designed to fit your desired goals. During this session, we will discuss where you want to begin your focus. The Power Plate Formula and The Connected Body Method which at its core, focuses on our physical essence involving nutrition and movement. Together we will work to eliminate things that may be wreaking havoc on your body and mind while discussing the mental and physical roadblocks keeping you from reaching your goals.





The Power Plate Formula is a personalized nutritional blueprint that is fully based on your individualized needs. There is no one size fits all, the design makeup of our bodies and goals fully determines where your balance needs to be. The Power Plate Formula is a step-by-step process that will bring you to the final stages of your individualized Power Plate. This formula is based on your specific goals and can adapt if these goals change.





The Connected Body Method begins with foundations that are rooted in purposeful movement based on your individualized goals. Programming is not necessarily based on any single training method but rather draws from multiple modalities to provide the optimal outcome specific to your needs and goals. The CBM is aimed to compliment your current training as well as act as a standalone option.



Conscious Coaching Tools


As part of the Rebel Instinct program, we will also utilize Conscious Coaching Tools to engage the mind and aid in stress management, pattern-breaking, and reframing limiting beliefs. These tools can include hypnotherapy and EFT sessions and energy alignment.

The Complete Coaching Package Includes:

Coach access: Unlimited email and messaging access for accountability and support.

Check-ins: Formal weekly check-ins to go over your progress and work through specific areas of your life.

Education: Strategies to help you work through challenges and obstacles so you always have the tools in your back pocket.

Online platform: A personalized app where you’ll have access to an educational platform where you will track your goals and engage in habit-tracking protocols.

The biggest advantages of working one-on-one with a coach are objectivity and accountability. The two single factors most struggle with achieving their goals.

*Private coaching is a 3-month commitment.