Meet Liz


Liz Smith: Founder, Coach


My job is to teach you what I know so that you can take it with you and apply it to your life forever.

Part 1: Liz’s Professional Background

Liz is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified, ISSA certified personal trainer and Reiki Master. A few of her specialties are in women’s health, hormone and gut health, and athletic performance over 35.

Liz’s journey toward health didn’t begin until later in life. 33 to be exact. Growing up, Liz knew she wanted to be active, so she tried all kinds of sports and exercise, but nothing ever sparked a true passion.

In 2014, Liz’s world was rocked when she suddenly and unexpectedly lost her mother to a massive heart attack. A woman who looked 10 years younger than she was and was the life of the party. Her appearance just didn’t match what was going on inside.

Losing her mother made Liz determined to live a more connected, healthier life so that she could fully be there for her daughters and husband.

Part 2: Liz’s Spiritual Background

As far back as Liz can remember she has always had a connection to what many would call the unknown. Her mother taught her spirituality, she was introduced to books on meditation, intuition, manifestation, and more. While she has always practiced spirituality, it wasn’t until the death of her mother that she really began to practice and understand energy and consciousness beyond the body.

Liz is a Certified Reiki Practitioner as well as an intuitive empath. This allows her ability to understand and share the feelings of others, with instinct and perception.

Part 3: Liz’s Family

Along with her husband Kyle, Liz is raising 3 amazing young women. Without the love and support of her amazing family, Liz would not be where she is today.

Want to learn more about what I do and how I can help you? Shoot me an email I’ll get back to you ASAP