
20 years ago I was introduced to a book that would change my life forever, Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, thanks to my dear friend Erika. This was my first introduction to manifestation and living the human experience, before this book I had no clue what that was or what it even meant, who would have thought that one book could change the course of my life forever and open up doors to more experiences that would shape the person I am today.

I was never confident enough to share my gifts and personal knowledge on this subject outside of my little circle, I realize now how selfish that was on my part.

I have taken many different paths and journeys in search of expansion of who I am and what I want to be, and what I’ve found is that I am always brought back to the same thing and that is our innate ability to change our story. Changing your story can encompass any or all of these things, it can be physical, emotional, environmental, intellectual, vocational, social, spiritual or financial. There’s one thing I’m certain of and that is when one is out of alignment everything begins to fall out of alignment. It is a forever journey of expansion and alignment you are in the driver’s seat.

There are times I forget that I am the one in the driver’s seat, after all, I’m human, but what makes me (and so many others) different is recognizing this is a fact and knowing that we do have the power to change it all. We can blame people and circumstances because it’s so much easier to blame others than to look within. When you look at life in this light and sit in the present moment you can find a lesson in everything, and being able to do that will not only open your eyes to new beginnings but it can help you change your life completely.

Things change and people change, that is a choice. My purpose is to share my personal experiences and to help guide others so that you can live a better life, one that you feel excited to be in. I can’t make anyone change how they feel about themselves or the life they’re living, I can only help guide you to better understand how to move in a direction that can help you move forward.

My growth has been part of a journey that is meant to help others grow and expand. It has been a long time since I felt the need to prove my worth, fit with the masses, or stroke my ego. I’ve let go of what no longer serves me leaving those old beliefs behind so that I can help others grow. I’ve also removed the limiting belief that I need to know everything in order to help others. We will never know it all, no matter how much we experience and learn there is always more to know.


Rebel Recipe: Mushroom & Pepper Bowl


Sunday Mash-Up